Long Lean Ballerina Body Workout ballet fitness workout Aug 22, 2022

If you can’t attend one of our ballet fitness Sleek live classes or don’t have access to the Internet to stream one of the workouts in our streaming library, then try this Long & Lean Ballerina Body workout to sculpt long, lean, ballerina muscles.

Warm up for...

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9 Benefits of Taking a Holistic View of Your Health health wellbeing Aug 19, 2022

Taking care of yourself involves a lot of high-stakes decision-making. You and you alone are responsible for your habits of nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress relief, and emotional health. It can feel daunting to consider all of these factors; not to mention dealing with significant health...

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How To Feed Your Skin for a Healthy Glow beautiful skin beauty health wellbeing Aug 14, 2022

When your skin isn't nourished, the proof can be seen all over your face. Skin is the largest organ of the body and it protects you from bacteria, germs, pollution and even severe temperature changes. Since skin has such an important job to do, it's up to you to take good care of it, not just on...

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Sculpted Ballerina Legs Workout ballet balletfitness workout Aug 11, 2022


You will feel the burn with this short yet effective ballet fitness leg workout that will sculpt beautiful, long, lean, ballerina legs. It is perfect for those days where you just can’t get online to do one of our ballet fitness streaming videos.

Warm up with 5 minutes...

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Ballet fitness style that we love! ballet lifestyle press Jul 21, 2022

Are you curious about how ballet dancers live and train? Do you want to put on some leggings and ballet shoes and get moving around your living room but are not sure what Sleek Technique ballet fitness workouts are about? Well if you want to know more about the best online ballet fitness classes...

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How to get Dancer's Legs and more - Sleek tells all! balletfitness fitness motivation Jun 30, 2022

There are lots of methods claiming to get us all a dancer body (you know the physique we're talking about; defined and athletic and at the same time refined and elegant, with a spine so long, strong and straight you could spot it a mile off). But the thing is, if you want to achieve the look...

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5 Great Workout Ideas for When You Are Short on Time fitness lifestyle workout Jun 28, 2022

In an ideal world, we would all have plenty of time to fit in a regular exercise routine but often life gets in the way, so to speak. Luckily, these five workout ideas mean you don't have to skip a workout when you're short on time.

1. Skip the Trip to the Gym

Spending even 10 minutes in the car...

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Running an online ballet fitness business company - Career changing advice! fitness lifestyle motivation press Jun 27, 2022

As founders of our own business, Sleek Ballet Fitness, Victoria and I live by the motto of practice what you preach, so we make sure everyone who writes about us gets the Sleek experience of our extensive ballet fitness streaming library or our online live classes (or a combination of both like...

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Diet and Lifestyle with Sleek Ballet Fitness founders, Flik and Victoria diet fitness healthy eating press Jun 25, 2022

We love knowing all about our Sleek Ballet Fitness community and hearing about how your ballet training is going with us. Whether you choose our barre classes over our ballet bootcamp workouts or are just starting out with our ballet exercises for beginners, we are always excited to hear about...

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Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle This Summer fitness health lifestyle Jun 08, 2022

Summer is the perfect time to perhaps switch up your lifestyle and routines. When the sun comes out and the temperature rises, challenge yourself to live your healthiest days yet. You don’t need to be stuck in the same routines and ruts that you had all year long. Instead, reevaluate your...

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Here’s How to Nourish Yourself on Your Rest Days healthy eating lifestyle nutrition weight loss May 23, 2022

When you’re trying to get in shape, you might be tempted to spend your entire week working out to reach your health goals faster. However, rest days are just the thing you need to allow your body and mind to recover, rest, and come back even stronger. True enough, Nulticfood shares...

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Scientific Benefits of Exercise on Your Mental Health fitness healthy eating lifestyle motivation May 23, 2022

Have you noticed that a long period of inactivity makes you gloomy?

However, the idea of exercise improving your mental health may be less obvious.

The prevalence of depression and anxiety are constantly increasing.

While there are many aspects of modern life, such as poor diet and...

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